Nucom is not your typical hosting company. Most hosting companies try to impress you with how many features they have, how many languages they support and how easy it is to set up an account. We're going to impress you with everything we don't do.
We don't do ASP, JSP, PHP or any language besides ColdFusion. In fact, we don't even do general ColdFusion hosting. Why? Because there's always a chance that the code on someone else's website will bring down the server or infect your website. We know CFWebstore, what services it requires and how it operates on the server. We can turn off a lot of stuff on the server because we know CFWebstore doesn't use it. Otherwise, it's just one more way for a hacker to get into the server.
Still Developer-Friendly
CFWebstore is built for developers and Nucom Web Hosting was created by developers. We don't put limits on your webstore, we simply ensure a safe place to operate. Find out more About Us »
We can help you move your webstore from your current host. Send us the DNS, FTP and SQL logins and we'll transfer the site for you and make sure it's running right.
No Access Databases
Lots of people use Access databases because they're cheap and easy to work with. We don't allow them because they're slow, suck a lot of server resources and are actually harder to update on a live site. We can upgrade your database to a MS SQL database so you can take advantage of the speed of the MSSQL 2005 server.
VPN - We've added a second layer of security to prevent intrusion. By using a VPN (virtual private network), it's almost impossible for a hacker to spoof a RDC or FTP login. It's an extra step for developers who have to log in but most people update their websites through their websites. Only when you're making design changes do you use FTP.
Application firewall - Our application firewall looks at every URL and form submission for suspicious code. This is the main avenue for code and SQL injection attacks.
Security practices - A regular shared webserver runs all sorts of code - ASP, JSP, PHP and ColdFusion application. An attack on any of those websites could bring down the server. We only do ColdFusion and only CFWebstore.
PCI compliant - Banks are now looking at the websites of their clients to make sure credit card numbers are properly secured and transmitted. Our servers have been tested - and passed - PCI compliance tests. There may be reasons an individual website may fail but stock installation of CFWebstore 6.43 and above should be PCI compliant right from the start.
CFWebstore Hosting |
Hard Disk Storage | 3 GB |
Monthly Transfer | 50 GB |
Email Accounts | 10 |
Email Aliases | Unlimited |
What's Installed | |
Smartermail | |
FTP Access | |
ColdFusion 11 | |
MS SQL Server 2016 | |
MySQL 5 | |
Windows 2012 R2 | |
Nightly Backups | |
What's Not Installed | |
Restricted CF Tags | |
FrontPage Extensions | |
ASP.NET 3.5 | |
Access Database Support | |
Perl, CGI | |
Pricing | |
One Time Setup Fee | $75.00 FREE |
Monthly Fee | $50.00 |
Here's your full-featured hosting.
Start selling fast. We'll take care of everything you need to start selling online. Package includes: